Corners: Moves Negative, Twists Everything
CMTm1xR²D²D²   CMTm2rU'LL'UL
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight P1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight P1R²D'RU²R'DRU²R   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight M2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight M2F'L'FR'F'LF''RB'R'F'RB
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight M1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight M1L''DR'D''L'ULDL'eRD'L'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight P2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Straight P2RU²R'U²R'F²RF²L'U²LU²
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours P1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours P1BLF'L'B'LFL'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours M2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours M2LFL'BLF'aRBR'aFRB'R'F'
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours M1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours M1LU''L'U''LU'L'UR'ULU'RU'L'U'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours P2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Neighbours P2F'UlF'L²Fl'U'L²F
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal P1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal P1U'LU''LDL'U²LD'L''   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal P2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal P2R'D'LeR'DRUR'D''L'DR''
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal M2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal M2U²R'FRB'R'F'RB   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal M1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Diagonal M1LF'LBL''FL'B'U²LU²L'U²L
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P1RU'L'UR'U'L   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P2RU²R'aU²RUR'U²RaU²R'U
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P3Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P3BL'D'LU²RU'L'UR'eLU'B'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P4Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Positive P4L'B'mF''L'FRBR'F'LF''R
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M1L'URU'LU'RDR'U²RD'R''U'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M2L''D'LU²L'DLU'RU'LUR'U'
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M3Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M3R'FR'B''R²F'LFR'F'R'aB''R²   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M4Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Negative M4R'FU²F'RFR'U²RF'
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Regular 1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Regular 1B'R'BL'B'RBL''F'L'BLFL'B'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Regular 2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Regular 2FR'F'LF''RFLFL''B'U''B
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular P1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular P1LUL'U'L'BL''UL'U'LUL'U'B'   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular M2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular M2RU''R'F''LFLBL''FL'B'L
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular M1Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular M1BLF'LFLB'LU''LU''L'U''   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular P2Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Twisted Irregular P2R'F'LFRF'L'F''RBR'F'RB'R'