Corners: Moves Positive
Edges: Flips Everything
CMTp1x'L''U''L'D'L   CMTp2l'UR'D²
Corners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped AllCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped AllF²U²FU'FU'R'F'R²U²R'FUF²U'F²U²    
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursF²U'FLFDF²D'L''UL''FL'F   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursB²UBRBR²UR²BR'B'U²
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursLF'LF²UF²D'L''DLFLU'L''   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped NeighboursF'L''U'L'UL''U'L'F'L'FLUF
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped OppositeCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped OppositeR²D'FU²RU²FU'F'R²F²RFUaR²   Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped OppositeCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped OppositeL''UaFLF''L''F'U'FU''LU''FD'L''
Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped AllCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak' - Edges Flipped AllF²U²F'UF'ULFL''U²LF'U'F²UF²U²