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Deutsch Kanten parallel tauschen - Kanten wenden (all) english moving edges parallel - flipping edges (alle)
Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M1CMD1 EMS1CMD2 EMS1Corners Moved Diagonal 2 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Diagonal 1 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved CrossG-Permutation - Nose UpG-Permutation - Hand UpG-Permutation - Hand DownG-Permutation - Nose DownEdges Flipped NeighboursEdges Flipped OppositeEdges Flipped AllCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted StraightCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NeighboursCorners Moved Straight - Twisted DiagonalCorners Moved Straight - Twisted PositiveCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NegativeCorners Moved Straight - Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted Regular
Twisting Corners & Flipping EdgesCorners Moved StraightCorners Moved DiagonalCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossFlipping EdgesEdges Moved StraightEdges Moved DiagonalEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved Crossbest browser - Bester Browsercolor distribution - Farbverteilung
Edges Moved Parallel 1Edges Moved Parallel 1 / webauthors sequences1 situationEdges Moved Parallel 1; Flipped Neighbours P1Edges Moved Parallel 1; Flipped Neighbours P2Edges Moved Parallel 1; Flipped Opposite 1Edges Moved Parallel 1; Flipped Opposite 2Edges Moved Parallel 1; Flipped AllAlle Kanten-Tausche und -Wendungen - All Edge-Changes and -Flips
Ra F · ( R'' U² )³ · F' R'a (10,18)
lashi fi rashi ro co ri fa lashi explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
R'a B' · ( R'' U² )³ · B Ra (10,18)
lashi ba rashi ro co ri bi lashi explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
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M' U' M · S U S' · M' U M · S U' S' (12,20)
ma ca mi si ci sa ma ci mi si ca sa explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
Ba R' e m U' m' B'' e' B'a (9,16)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
La B L'' U'' L'' U'' L'' U'' B' L'a (10,18)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
lashi bi lo co lo co lo co ba lashi bi explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
M' U M U'' M' U M'' U' M' U'' M U' M' (14,24)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
ma ci mi co ma ci mo ca ma co mi ca ma explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
M U' M' U² M U' M' U' M U' M U² M U' M' · U (16,26) Wolfgang Schifferdecker 'Der Dreh mit dem Würfel' S. 51
mi ca ma co mi ca ma ca mi ca ma co mi ca ma ci explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
F' R E² R' F · U² · F' R E² R' F · U² · (12,20)
M' U M U² M' U M · U² · M' U' M U² M' U' M · U² (16,26)
A8rUR'URU'R'URU²r'execute only once: / führe nur einmal aus:U'execute only once: / führe nur einmal aus:U
( r U R' U R U' R' U R U² r' | U' | U ) (24,26)
r U² R' U' R U R' U' R U' r' · U² · r U R' U R U' R' U R U² r' · U² (24,28)
R' E' R U' R E² R' U R' E R ·  · R' E' R U' R E² R' U R' E R · (24,36)
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M' U M · S' U' S · M' U' M · S' U S (12,20)
B'a L e' m U m' B² e Ba (9,16)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
R'a B' · R² U² R² U² R² U² · B Ra (10,18)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
rasha ba ro co ro co ro co bi rashi fi explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
M' U' M U² M' U' U M' U² M U M' (14,24)  Jessica Fridrich + Mirek Goljan
ma ca mi co ma ca mo ci ma co mi ci ma explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
M U M' U² M U M' U M U M' U² M U M' · U' (16,26) Wolfgang Schifferdecker 'Der Dreh mit dem Würfel' S. 51
mi ci ma co mi ci ma ci mi ci ma co mi ci ma ca explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
Fa R (U² B²)² R' F'a (10,20)
bashi ri rashi co bo ri ra basha explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
 David Singmaster 'Notes on Rubik's Cube' S.23
 David Singmaster 'Notes on Rubik's Cube' S.43
R'a U' Fa U' F² M'' F² M'' U F'a U Ra (12,24)
R' E' R U R E² R' U' R' E R · U'' · R' E' R U R E² R' U' R' E R · U'' (24,36)
M' U M U² M' U M · U · M' U M U² M' U M · U' (16,26)
B10rU²R'U'RUR'U'RU'r'execute only once: / führe nur einmal aus:Uexecute only once: / führe nur einmal aus:U'
( r U² R' U' R U R' U' R U' r' | U | U' ) (24,26)
R' E' R U R E² R' U' R' E R ·  · R' E' R U R E² R' U' R' E R · (24,36)
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deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
    EMP2 EFAR'aB'R²U²R²U²R²U²BRa    
Universal Sequence

This sequence appears also in the book of Josef Trajber 'The Cube' on page 75. Me myself found it, too, while experementing with the center sequence.

This central sequence (R²U²)³ is ideal for solving similar situations, but is only able to flip in a swap connected pairs of edges.

Universelle Folge

Diese Folge taucht auch bei Josef Trajber in seinem Buch 'Der Würfel' auf Seite 75 auf. Selber bin ich auch von alleine beim Experimentieren darauf gestoßen.

Die zentrale Folge (R²U²)³ ist ideal zum Lösen von ähnlichen Stellungen, kann aber nur einander im Tausch entgegengesetzte Steine wenden.

12/13/2007 13.12.2007