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Deutsch Sammlung der Schachbretterenglish collection of checker boards
Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M1CMD1 EMS1CMD2 EMS1Corners Moved Diagonal 2 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Diagonal 1 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved CrossG-Permutation - Nose UpG-Permutation - Hand UpG-Permutation - Hand DownG-Permutation - Nose DownEdges Flipped NeighboursEdges Flipped OppositeEdges Flipped AllCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted StraightCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NeighboursCorners Moved Straight - Twisted DiagonalCorners Moved Straight - Twisted PositiveCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NegativeCorners Moved Straight - Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted Regular
Twisting Corners & Flipping EdgesCorners Moved StraightCorners Moved DiagonalCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossFlipping EdgesEdges Moved StraightEdges Moved DiagonalEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved Crossbest browser - Bester Browsercolor distribution - Farbverteilung
patterns by opposite swap - Muster durch gegenseitigen Tauschpattern index - Muster Indexpatterns by two axis swap - Muster durch 2-Achsen-Tauschpattern index - Muster Indexpatterns on two hemispheres by 1 axis cycle - Muster auf 2 Orientierungen, 1 Achsepattern index - Muster Index4 site cycle by 1 axis - Drehung von 4 Seiten durch 1 Achsepattern index - Muster Indexcycle of 6 sites by 1 axis - Drehung von 6 Seiten um 1 Achsepattern index - Muster Indexcheating swaps - betrügerisches Tauschenpattern index - Muster Indexpatterns by illegal swap - Muster durch illegalen Tauschpattern index - Muster Indexcollections - Sammlungenpattern index - Muster IndexDeclinations - Deklinationenpattern index - Muster IndexPrinting those Patterns
collections - SammlungenBoards - SchachbretterBars - BalkenDots - Spiegeleierpattern index - Muster Index
1D chessboard - 1D Schachbrett1D chessboard back - 1D Schachbrett hintenM''yM''z'M''
M'' y M'' z' M'' (3,12)
2D chessboard - 2D Schachbrett2D chessboard back - 2D Schachbrett hintenULe'B'R²BeL'D²L''D²F²U²L''Uchess board, back view - Schachbrett, Rückansicht
bs2 + U L e' B' R² B e L' D² L² D² F² U² L² U (17,24)
3D chessboard - 3D Schachbrett3D chessboard back - 3D Schachbrett hintenB'mesU²m''s²D²RU²'Ds²R²e''s²L''D
B' m e s U² m'' s² D² R U²'D s² R² e'' s² L'' D (16,20) David Singmaster - "Notes on Rubik's Cube" - S. 49 - R. Walker
3D chessboard - 3D Schachbrett3D chessboard back - 3D Schachbrett hinten(r²R'S''D²S''M''U²R'y)y(M'y')y'x²
( r R' S'' D² S'' M'' U² R' y )² y (M' y' )4 y' x (20,48) Bastelei
D² F'' U' m'' s'' D R' Fa e' Ra D²s F' U² (13,28) acube
4D chessboard - 4D Schachbrett4D chessboard back - 4D Schachbrett hintenUF²U²B²R²U'aR²F²U²B²D
bs + U F² U² B² R² U'a R² F² U² B² D (11,20)
6D chessboard - 6D Schachbrett6D chessboard back - 6D Schachbrett hinten(r²R'S''D²S''M''U²R'y)y(M'y')M''E²S''
( r² R' S'' D² M'' S'' U² R' · y)² · < · (M' y')4 · M'' E² S'' (23,60)
F e' s m' e' L' U F² L² D² L² B² U² B² R² U' F² L² B² (23,24) acube
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