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Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M1CMD1 EMS1CMD2 EMS1Corners Moved Diagonal 2 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Diagonal 1 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved CrossG-Permutation - Nose UpG-Permutation - Hand UpG-Permutation - Hand DownG-Permutation - Nose DownEdges Flipped NeighboursEdges Flipped OppositeEdges Flipped AllCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted StraightCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NeighboursCorners Moved Straight - Twisted DiagonalCorners Moved Straight - Twisted PositiveCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NegativeCorners Moved Straight - Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted Regular
Twisting Corners & Flipping Edges151 situationsCorners Moved Straight420 situationsCorners Moved Diagonal166 situationsCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'37 situationsCorners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'37 situationsCorners Moved Parallel20 situationsCorners Moved Cross8 situationsFlipping Edges3x2 situationsEdges Moved Straight20 situationsEdges Moved Diagonal34 situationsEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'34 situationsEdges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'34 situationsEdges Moved Parallel20 situationsEdges Moved Cross4 situationsArrows Help - Pfeile Hilfebest browser - Bester Browsercolor distribution - Farbverteilung
Sequences 1. Level
Sequences 2. Level
Sequences 1. Level & 2. Level
Sequences 2. Level & 3. Level
Sequences over all Levels, flipping 3L edges
Sequences over all Levels, twisting 3L corners
Sequences over all Levels, swapping 3L corners
Winter Variation - last pair, orienting corners
Twists and Moves 1L combined, respecting EdgesMoving Corners 1L DiagonalMoving Corners 1L DiagonalTwisting Corners 1L Diagonal PositiveTwisting Corners 1L Diagonal NegativeTwisting Corners 1L Semi-Triangle PositiveTwisting Corners 1L Semi-Triangle NegativeTwisting Corners 1L StraightTwisting Corners 1L NeighboursTwisting Corners 1L DiagonalTwisting Corners 1L Triangle PositiveTwisting Corners 1L Triangle NegativeTwisting Corners 1L RegularTwisting Corners 1L IrregularTwists and Moves 1L combined, respecting Edges
  english discussion about mentioned sequences (back to top)   deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
    acube has created an own solution for the first two items. It might work more quick without memorizing the sequences while throwing one edge with its belonging corner out of its place. Then doing it back to its correct place, without the edge. Then the now outsourced corner bringing to its own place turning up the missing edge with this to its place again.

In the now following areas of twisting corners you can apply this technique again. You twist one corner, with the next you don't care about the exvoked edge, the last twist brings it up again. But it makes more sense to choose a sequence of the 3rd level.

In the last two items it might help to use sequences to twist corners alone, monotwists. You just use the straight or the neighbour variant , two times, or combined. This means using the forward combination and then the backward sequence, the second restores the state before executing the forward one.

For the triangles you can apply three times a sequence, after that the old state of the edge is restored and three corners are twisted.

Those variants are inserted with hints in the according pages.

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  acube hat für die beiden ersten Situationen eine eigene Folge kreiert. Schneller mag es ablaufen, ohne die Folgen zu verinnerlichen, wenn man die erste Ecke mit der zugehörigen Kante hinauswirft, ohne daß man die Kante an den zweiten Platz setzt und dann mit der zweiten, nun frei gewordenen Ecke die Kante von der 3. Ebene wieder mit hochholt.

In den folgenden sieben Bereichen des Eckendrehens kann man diese Technik ebenfalls anwenden. Bei den nachfolgenden Situationen müßte man entsprechend eine Ecke bearbeiten, ohne den Kantenstein mit einzubinden. Allerdings ist es hier sinnvoller, eine Zugfolge der 3. Ebene anzuwenden.

Hingegen bei den letzten zwei Elementen kann es taugen, die Ecken wieder einzeln zu bearbeiten. Man führt einfach die Straight- oder Neighbour-Variante zweimal bzw. kombiniert aus. Hier meine ich die Variante, mit der man die 1. Ecke mit der Vorwärtsfolge in die eine Richtung, dann die 2. Ecke mit der Rückwärtsfolge in die andere Richtung dreht.

Bei den Triangeln, bei drei gedrehten Ecken, die alle gleich gesinnt gedreht sind, kann man ein- und dieselbe Folge zum Drehen einzelner Ecken dreimal anwenden, zum Abschluß ist die mitberabeitete Kante wieder korrekt an ihrem Platz. Die Varianten sind entsprechend verzeichnet.

05/05/2008 05.05.2008














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