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Deutsch Ecken gerade tauschen N - Kanten gerade tauschen NSenglish moving corners straight N - moving edges straight NS
Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal P2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Diagonal M1CMD1 EMS1CMD2 EMS1Corners Moved Diagonal 2 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Diagonal 1 - Edges Moved Diagonal P1Corners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved CrossG-Permutation - Nose UpG-Permutation - Hand UpG-Permutation - Hand DownG-Permutation - Nose DownEdges Flipped NeighboursEdges Flipped OppositeEdges Flipped AllCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted StraightCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NeighboursCorners Moved Straight - Twisted DiagonalCorners Moved Straight - Twisted PositiveCorners Moved Straight - Twisted NegativeCorners Moved Straight - Twisted IrregularCorners Moved Straight - Twisted Regular
Twisting Corners & Flipping EdgesCorners Moved StraightCorners Moved DiagonalCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossFlipping EdgesEdges Moved StraightEdges Moved DiagonalEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved Crossbest browser - Bester Browsercolor distribution - Farbverteilung
Edges Moved ZeroEdges Moved StraightEdges Moved DiagonalCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted Irregular
ZeroEdges Flipped NeighboursEdges Flipped OppositeEdges Flipped AllCorners Twisted StraightCorners Twisted NeighboursCorners Twisted DiagonalCorners Twisted PositiveCorners Twisted NegativeCorners Twisted RegularCorners Twisted Irregular
Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 1 / webauthors sequences1 situationCorners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2Corners Moved Straight - Edges Moved Straight 2 / webauthors sequences1 situation
U R² U' R² · D B² L'' U L'' D' B² (11,16)
ci ro ca ro di bo lo ci lo da boexplanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
U R² U'd · u [ R² x' z'L" x ] U L" u' r²
ci ro ca ro di bo lo ci lo cea reo explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
R U R' U' · R' F R² U' R' · U' R U R' · F' (14,15)
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R B · U' B' U B · U B² R' B · U B U' B' (14,15)
F · R U' R' U · R U B² F' R · U R U' R' (14,15)
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deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
    CMSp1 EMS1UR²U'R²DB²L''UL''u'B²    
These sequence consists in its verticals only ofdouble-turns, 180°-turns. But the horizontals only show90°-turns.

This might help to remember the combination more easy.

I think, that the way to develope for this sequence depended on this structure - swapping 1L with 3L stones and bringing them back with changing 3L.

Another circumstance earns our attention. The horizontals 2-5 are first pointing to the right (2,3), then to the left (4,5). Another help for memorizing.
Diese Zugfolge besteht in ihren Senkrechten nur aus Doppelzügen, also 180°-Drehungen. Wo hingegen die Horizontalen nur aus 90°-Drehungen bestehen.

Dieser Umstand mag dazu beitragen, sich die Folge leicht merken zu können.

Ich persönlich denke, daß die Art und Weise, wie diese Folge entstanden ist, diese Struktur bedingt. Indem Elemente der 1. und der 3. Ebene gegeneinander vertauscht und anders wieder zurückgetauscht wurden, erzielte der Entwickler eine Veränderung der 3. Ebene, wie sie eben hier in Erscheinung tritt.

Ein anderer Umstand, der Aufmerksamkeit verdient, betrifft die Waagrechten 2 - 5. Zuerst gehen die Drehungen nach rechts (2,3), dann gehen sie nach links (3,4). Auch das mag als Gedächtnisbrücke dienen.

At new training of this sequence I've recogniced that the direction of the double arrows is optional. This arbitrarty you've to choose by your own.

Beim neuen Üben habe ichfestgestellt, daß es ziemlich gleich ist, in welche Richtungen die Doppeldrehungen ablaufen. Diese Beliebigkeit muß man dann für sich selber feststellen, meine Pfeile sind nur Vorgabe.





This sequence is running mainly over the right hand. My personal favourite is the sequence above, because it solves the same situation "symetric" and less moves have to be memorized.

Diese Folge von Bob Burton läuft hauptsächlich über die rechte Hand. Mir persönlich gefällt die obere Folge besser, weil dabei eine "symmetrische" Situation bearbeitet wird und weniger Einzelzüge zu tätigen sind.

12/15/2007 15.12.2007
1 english discussion about mentioned sequences (back to top)
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deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
Derives Ableitungen
Corners Moved Straight; Twisted Straight P1 - Edges Moved Straight 2R'DRD'L''UR²U'R²DB²L''UL''D'B²L''DR'D'R
A0CMSp1 TNp1 EMS1R²DR'UR²U'R²DB²L''UL''u'L''yRD'R²
02/04/2009 04.02.2009