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Twisting Corners & Flipping EdgesCorners Moved StraightCorners Moved DiagonalCorners Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Corners Moved ParallelCorners Moved CrossFlipping EdgesEdges Moved StraightEdges Moved DiagonalEdges Moved Positive - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved Negative - the long arm is the 'arrowpeak'Edges Moved ParallelEdges Moved Crossbest browser - Bester Browsercolor distribution - Farbverteilung
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A0L'R'U²Ray'RU'LU²R'UL'U²JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
L'(R' U² RL) y' (R U') (L U²) (R' U) (L' U') (12,16) Peter Jansen
R'' u' R U' · R U R' u R² · y · R U' R'· U (13,15)  BobBurton PLL 14
ro cea ri ca ri ci ra cei ro cui ri ca ra ci explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
R''u'RU'RUR'uR²yRU'R'U°Bob Burton's speed sequences 76
(R'² u' R U') (R U R' u R²) y (R U' R') · U° (12,14)
R'' D' F U' F U F' D R² B U' B' · U
C0F²D'LU'LUL'DF²RU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
F² D' L U' L U L' D F² R U' R' (12,14)
D0r²U'xy'UR'URU'rU'U'xUR'U'JFVergleich über Web-Autoren
Rw² U'- (r u') U R' U R U' - Rw U'U' - (r) U R' U' (13,14)
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A1R'aU²RaFU'BU²F'UB'U'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
L'R' U² LR F U' B U² F' U B' (U') (13,15) Ron van Bruchem
A2FR²BR'F'RUB'U'R'FR'F'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
F R² B R' F' R U B' U' R' F R' F' (13,14) Ron van Bruchem
A3y'L'R'U²Ray'RU'LU²R'UL'U²JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
y' L' (R' U² R L) y' (R U') (L U²) (R' U) ( L' U²) (12,16) Dennis Nilsson
F'a U² Fa · L U' R U² L' U R' · U' (13,15) derived from Carlos Angosto
basha co bashi li ca ri co la ci ra ca explanation of sound language - Erklärung der Lautsprache
F'a U² Fa · L U' R · U² · L' U R' ·U'
F'a U² Fa · L U' R · U² · L' U R' · U'
R² u' R U' R U R' u R² B U' B' (12,14)
(R² u') (R U') R (U R') u (R² B) U' B' (12,14)
B3R²u'RU'RUR'uR''yRU'R'y'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
R² u' R U' R U R' u R²' (y) R U' R' (y') (12,14) Dan Harris
B4R''u'RU'RUR'uR²fR'f'JFVergleich über Web-Autoren
R'² U'w R U'- R U R' Uw - R² Fw R' F'w (12,14)
B5R²u'RU'RUR'uR²yRU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(R² (U' E) R U') (R U) (R' (U E') R²) y (R U' R') (13,15) Peter Jansen
B6R²u'RU'RUR'uR²yRU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(R² u' R U') (R U R' u R²) y (R U' R') (12,14) Richard Patterson
B7RUR'y'R²u'RU'R'UR'uR²JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
((R U R') [u']) (R² u') (R U') (R' U R') (u R²) (10,12) Ross Palmer
R U R' F² D' L U' L' U L D F²
B8R²u'RU'RUR'uR''yRU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(R² u') ((R U' R) (U R')) (u R²') [u] (R U' R') (10,12) Ross Palmer
B9R²u'RU'RUR'uR²yRU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(R² u' R U') (R U R') u R² y (R U' R') (10,12) Dennis Nilsson
C1F²D'LU'LUL'DF²RU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
F² D' L U' L U L' D F² R U' R' (12,14) Loic Fremont
C2L'R'U²RayRU'LU²R'UL'U²JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
L' (R' U² RL) y (R U') (L U²) (R' U) (L' U²) (12,14) Peter Jansen
C3yL'R'U²RayRU'LU²R'UL'U²JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
y L' (R' U² R L) y (R U') (L U²) (R' U) (L' U²) (12,16) Dennis Nilsson
D1L²D'BU'BUB'DL²FU'F'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
L² D' (B U' B U B') (D L²) (F U' F') (12,14) Chris Hardwick
D2L²u'LU'LUL'uL²y'RU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(L² (U' E)) ((L U' L U L') (U E') L²) y' (R U' R') (12,14) Peter Jansen
D3L²D'BU'BUB'DL²FU'F'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
L² D' B U' B U B' D L² F U' F' (12,14) Ross Palmer
D4y²L²u'LU'LUL'uL²y'RU'R'JF-system compared by web authors - JF-System-Vergleich über Web-Autoren
(L² u' ) (L U' L U L') u L² y' (R U' R') (12,14) Dennis Nilsson
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english discussion about mentioned sequences (back to top)
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deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
Sometimes it makes sense to display the basic sequence aside the handling sequence. Finally learning the basic sequence leads to cope with the handling sequence, too.

Manchmal ist es sinnvoll, zu einer händisch veränderten Folge auch die Grundsequenz darzustellen. Letztlichführt Routine dazu, daß man auch nach dem Lernen derGrundfolge irgendwann die händische Folge zu beherrschen lernt.

06/12/2008 12.06.2008
english discussion about mentioned sequences (back to top)
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deutsche Erörterung von Zugfolgen (zurück nach oben)  
In this sequence there is mirrored a part of the sequence below:
In dieser Folge spiegelt sich ein Teil der Folge wieder, die diese Situation löst:

    A1CMD1 EMS1L'UR'U²LU'm'UR'U²LU'RU'    
Regarding the turns from 5 to 9 you see that the red and green part is the same of the sequence above. But the turns are separated from each other by an U² move.

From memnonic view I like more the first sequence, this with red and green distinction.

Betrachtet man hier die Züge 5 - 9 , so erkennt man den roten und den grünen Teil der oberen Folge wieder. Nur sind die Drehungen hier auf halbem Wege durch U² von einander getrennt.

Vom memnonischen Aspekt her gefällt mir die erste Folge besser, also die hier mit roten und grünen Pfeilen dargestellte.

06/12/2008 12.06.2008
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